The Cry of a Voice in Isolation

One Boy’s Story A Man in Manus.png

“In this small world of ours, every day, there is someone in this prison who loses a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a daughter, a son.” “We knew, from when we took our first step on this island, that every minute would be diabolical and agonising . . . It was set up intentionally to make our lives unbearable, to make us choose to go back to where we came from, despite the fact that our safety was precarious in those places.”

Imran, 22, a Rohingya refugee who has been interned on Manus since September 2013, has written an outstanding and powerful account of many aspects of life in Australian immigration detention.

Australia needs men like Imran. He will make a wonderful citizen – and he does not need English lessons.

Marilyn Beech

 I you to visit Imran’s facebook page and like it. You can read his book there.


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