Day 19 – Something Special

voices23One day you will be free.


The morning was going beautifully with Quaker friends sharing some quiet prayer with me, sharing the peace we all need to take to our battle for a compassionate Australia.Then came Tai Chi friends Patti and Michael and and we happily lost time together sharing bits of our own lives and hopes.


Suddenly striding up the lawns arrived my wonderful foster son Gairat, making a surprise visit from Wagga where he has his own small shop.


Gairat fled Afghanistan with half his family already dead and I met him in Baxter Detention Centre when he was hit with the news of the killing of his ten year old brother. When I later had to break the news to him of the death of his mother I told him I would be his Aussie mum. And we have now been mother and son for 11 years.

Gairat sat with me today when Paul brought his two girls to talk and he shared with them the story of his boat trip where 360 people crammed together for 12 days, no water, cooking rice in the engine oil.


Gairat sends this message to the guys on Manus:
It is hard. But never give up. I suffered 4 years detention. At times I lost all hope but I hung on and now I am free. One day you will be free like me

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